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Company's humans resource

Company's human resource

Company human resource numbers 160 people, including 40 members of managerial personnel, 45 engineers and technicians, 50 workers and experts, 25 other specialists. 72 employees of the company have higher-education degree, 7 employees have a master's degree and 2 employees have doctoral degree.

kadr new

PiterEnergoMash has a formed team of technically competent associates. The average age of employees is 40 years. The company's personnel is constantly involved in international seminars on modern solutions in power production and modular construction of electric power systems, adopt the best Western and Eastern methods in organizing similar industries, undergoes training at enterprises supplying parts and components. Employees attend refresher training courses, there is training for personnel conducted on the issues of technical operation, occupational safety, fire and industrial safety.

Company human resource numbers 160 people, including 40 members of managerial personnel, 45 engineers and technicians, 50 workers and experts, 25 other specialists. 72 employees of the company have higher-education degree, 7 employees have a master's degree and 2 employees have doctoral degree.