

Energy solutions

Product catalog


Water treatment plant


PiterEnergoMash produces and supplies block-module water treatment plants with nominal capacity range starting from 50 to 800 m³ / day. The plants are designed to receive and purify water used in heating systems, as well as to control the pressure at low inlet water pressure is at insufficient debit receiving wells.

Modul vodopodgotovka 02

PiterEnergoMash water treatment plants are packaged in a standard 20-foot containers produced by the company. Containers climatic version is chosen according to the area of operating. The modules are equipped with heating and ventilation systems, power supply utilities, as well as controllers providing an option of integration into automatic process control system, providing an option of unattended plant operating.

Providing reliable operating of our thermal power supply systems, we are well aware that applying of trusted power equipment, well-proven in operating, should be complemented by high quality of all networks and components of the infrastructure. Therefore, all water treatment plants we supply comply with all standards and are mandatory quality-tested.