

Energy solutions

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Feasibility study and design

Feasibility study and design

Our best technical practice and experience of our experts applying modern technology and solutions allow the design department of PiterEnergoMash to provide the designs for electric power facilities and utilities, as well as of automation and management systems. Our designs always meet the requirements of reliability at minimized cost. Applied design solutions can be based either on imported components or on Russian inventions.


As a part of our design works we provide the following services:
  • Drafting construction feasibility study;
  • Drawing up a contract of design and survey works and calculating the cost of design and survey works;
  • Construction designing;
  • Design and survey work;
  • Design of utilities;
  • Producing design estimation documentation, including detailed design documentation and working design;
  • Design engineering including drawing up the permit documentation, obtaining the initial design data, and technical support of the design;
  • Drafting construction management project and specifications of equipment supply.

Pre-design procedures:
  • Facility survey;
  • Drafting a design specification, consulting a client on decisions made;
  • Carrying out survey works (geodesy, geology);
  • Drafting the concept of design;
  • Carrying out design works, stages of design documentation and detailed design documentation;
  • Getting design works approved by relevant authorities, land owners, government authorities, Russian Technical Supervision Service;
  • Undergo an expert examinations of design documentation (separately, or as a part of the entire set of documentation on the customer's facility).

The company's experts design the technical solution optimum for a customer and provide a feasibility study of such solution. The success formula of PiterEnergoMash is based on an individual approach to each client and an ability to find the original design solutions even in the most difficult situation in the shortest possible time.