

Energy solutions

Product catalog


Fuel storage tanks

Fuel storage tanks

PiterEnergoMash produces and supplies horizontal and vertical fuel tanks of various capacity, designed for long-term storage of fuel in order to provide uninterrupted equipment operating, refilling of supply tanks of boiler plants and diesel-driven generators. A structure of fuel tank besides design features includes such equipment necessary for safe and convenient operation as fire safety devices and respiratory equipment, arresters and couplers, filters, inlet-outlet devises.

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We take into account strict quality requirements for diesel fuel storage tanks concerning both materials and design features. Fuel tanks are made of materials which do not react with diesel fuel. The design of tanks does not allow fuel leakage, it is provided with special valves allowing air to circulate inside a tank and prevents the ingress of water into the tank. A diesel tank is equipped with a drainage system provided with special valves and condensate drain devices. Special attention is paid to tank equipment for loading and unloading.

Providing reliable operating of our thermal power supply systems, we are well aware that applying of trusted power equipment, well-proven in operating, should be complemented by high quality of all networks and components of the infrastructure. Therefore, all fuel tanks for fuel and water treatment systems we supply comply with all standards and are mandatory quality-tested.