

Energy solutions

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Warranty maintenance

Warranty maintenance

PiterEnergoMash provides warranty maintenance for power equipment, supplied and turn-key mounted by the company. The warranty period of operational lifetime corresponds to the period declared by the producing companies. If so agreed with the customer, the company can provide a contract for post-warranty maintenance of the equipment supplied for a period starting of 3 to 5 years.


PiterEnergoMash has the following assets to provide warranty and post-warranty service:
  • The certified mobile electrical laboratory with trained and certified personnel qualified to carry out measurements and high-voltage testing of power equipment;
  • Staff of engineering supervisors, trained and certified for supervision work by the companies - manufacturers of equipment;
  • Trained and certified electrotechnical personnel providing maintenance aimed at maintaining the power equipment in operational condition;
  • Inventory and logistics management: spare parts, materials, appliances, tools and other necessary accessories;
  • Staff trained in the training centers of the companies - manufacturers of the power equipment,
  • certified to train the personnel of the customer, the equipment is supplied to or mounted for.