

Energy solutions

Product catalog


An electrical laboratory

Еlectrical laboratory

A certified electrical laboratory owned by PiterEnergoMash conducts various kinds of electrical measuring, testing and commissioning regulations. It also provides a full range of high-voltage testing of power supply network equipment with voltage up to 110 kV (including issuing of protocols).

el lab 1

Types of electrical measurements, carried out by our company:
  • Acceptance testing carried out at the completion of new equipment mounting;
  • Preventive electrical measuring, carried out in order to prevent malfunctions and to test the equipment for compliance with regulations and documentation;
  • A safety earthing parameter check-out;
  • Insulation of electrical wiring and equipment check-out;
  • Testing of automatic protection systems;
  • Periodic tests and measurements.
Морской регистр

Морской регистр

К тестированию и проверке продукции на соответствие требованиям ГОСТ компания подходит с особым вниманием. Подробнее...

Электротехническая лаборатория ООО «ПитерЭнергоМаш» прошла освидетельствование Российского морского регистра судоходства


Brochure «Piterenergomash»

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