

Energy solutions

Product catalog


The training provided for experts

The training provided for experts

Completion of work at a facility is not the final stage of the contractual obligations for PiterEnergoMash.We consider our work completed, at the point of the customers' personnel readiness to operate the systems and equipment, mounted by our company, efficiently and effectively. Despite the reliability in operating of the systems, mounted by the company, the issue of personnel training remains relevant both for the customer and our company. Lack of theoretical knowledge and practical skills in operating the purchased equipment leads to inefficiency in its applying as well as carrying out operations not in accordance with allowed operating procedures can cause breakdown of the expensive equipment resulting in extra repair expenses.


As it is shown by the long-time practice, training of customer's experts should be carried out at the same time as the pre-commissioning activities or preliminary to the commissioning of the system.
Customer's representatives, undergoing training, should have necessary level of engineering practice and the qualification allowing them to operate the equipment self-sufficiently.

The primary objectives of the training for experts, operating the equipment and systems, are:
  • Study of basic technical and operational characteristics of the equipment and requirements for its maintenance;
  • Study of the characteristics and rules of the equipment operating;
  • Study of safety regulations for the equipment operating;
  • Study of the equipment operating principles and its structure;
  • Study of the maintenance rules;
  • Study of the troubleshooting methods;
  • Study of the equipment characteristics as well as characteristics of electromechanical and electronic devices applied in the systems;
  • Study of the conditions and modes of the equipment operating.
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Interactive electronic technical manuals
"PiterEnergoMash" Ltd. develops electronic routings for professionals in different industries...


Brochure «Piterenergomash»

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