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Automated systems of electric power technical record-keeping

Automated systems of electric power technical record-keeping

05PiterEnergoMash designs scalable and flexible automated systems of electric power technical record-keeping. The systems provide the rational management of electric power consumption, ensure reliable power supply through providing information for recording and analyzing of efficiency of electric power consumption by various equipment. Introduction of an automated system of electric power technical record-keeping at an enterprise is very effective for reducing of electric power consumption.
PiterEnergoMash automated systems of electric power technical record-keeping design and equipping are tailor-made for every facility with impeccable integration into a single hardware and software complex operating at a thermal-electric power plant or an industrial plant.

Automated systems of electric power technical record-keeping are designed for:
  • record-keeping of power recourses consumed by of factories, workshops, sites and individual power-intensive consumers of the enterprise;
  • record-keeping of power recourses consumed for the production and support needs;
  • determining specific power consumption per unit of output;
  • analysis of power consumption efficiency;
  • information support of power-efficiency measures.

Key features of a system of electric power technical record-keeping:
  • collecting, storing and processing of data records;
  • providing information on each production unit on consumption of power resources in the required time section (hour, shift, day, month, etc.);
  • analysis of efficiency of using of power resources;
  • controlling modes of consumption of power and primary recourses;
  • dispatching state of power facilities and energy-intensive customers;
  • analysis of resource consumption modes, regarding the volume and quality of manufactured products;
  • keeping records of power engineering equipment operating time and providing analysis of the effectiveness of its use;
  • monitoring service life and operating modes of power engineering equipment.

askue2Technical record-keeping of power resources provides the following:
  • Elaborating and improving of power consumption standards;
  • Monitoring compliance with consumption standards;
  • Long-term and operational planning of power consumption;
  • Assessment of the rational use of process, power engineering and ancillary equipment;
  • Elaborating and introducing of performance charts, optimizing power consumption modes, regarding the technological features of production;
  • Controlling performance charts implementation;
  • Controlling of service life of process and energy equipment in order to conduct its maintenance on time;
  • Detecting cases of inefficient use of power resources and their causes;
  • Elaborating administrative and technical measures of power saving.