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Mobile modular transformer electric substations of 110/10 (6) kV

Mobile modular transformer electric substations of 110/10 (6) kV

PiterEnergoMash produces mobile modular electric substations of 110/10 (6) kV with various capacity.
Mobile modular electric substations are designed for operating in such modes as: the standalone mode, the mode of two or more transformer electric substations operating, parallel operating with a stationary electric substation, in order to provide consumers with an emergency, temporary or main power supply of various reliability categories, with a total capacity of up to 160 MVA.
Mobile electric substations are produced as two separate modules, transportable by road by semi-trailers (16 -17 m-long, 3 m-wide)

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The first module
Module 110 kV incorporates gas-insulated switchgear 110 kV (gas-insulated switch cell) and a power transformer 110/10(6) kV. The weight of the module amounts to 62 tons.

The second module
Module 10(6) kV incorporates switchgear 10(6) kV and all required systems of control and protection.
The module is provided with systems of ventilation, lighting, fire alarm and fire-fighting, air conditioning and automatic heating. The weight of the module amounts to 29 tons.

The major directions of application:
  • operational electrical power supplying of new facilities;
  • maintenance and reconstruction of existing electric substations;
  • construction of a new substation prior to its commissioning;
  • unloading networks during the peak periods;
  • providing electrical power to the consumers, in areas, where construction of stationary electric substations is considered to be uneconomical.

Only the most modern materials, low-voltage and high-voltage equipment, produced by the leading manufacturers, as well as technical solutions minimizing both weight and dimensions of the electric substations are applied in production process. Mobile electric substation and equipment are produced in compliance with all quality standards and regulations for staff safety.
The equipment is adapted to Russian operating conditions, particularly operating at low temperatures and power surges.

The high-quality cable products applied at mobile modular electric substations allows mounting and cabling at temperature down to - 25 ° C and winding with a radius of 5 to 10 diameters of the cable.

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Connection to overhead power transmission lines is made applying a cable jumper 110 kV with a silicone terminated sleeve at one side and sleeve for connecting to a plug-in connector at the other side. Inter-module connections are made by flexible cables of 10 kV specially designed, with an option of cabling at - 25 ° C. Mobile modular electric substation provide an option of supervisory system applying. The operating temperature ranges from - 45 ° C (- 60 ° C) to + 40 ° C. The protection degree of the module outer shells is IP55.

Mobile modular electric substation are able to solve completely the problem voltage maintenance in case of accidents. They can be applied during the time of maintenance and reconstruction of existing till their commissioning, for unloading networks during the peak periods, for providing temporary and permanent power supply circuits. Mobile modular electric substation are essential for construction of new substations at the previously-occupied site in restrained urban conditions condition and inability of customer curtailment.