

Energy solutions

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Boiler plants

Boiler plants

PiterEnergoMash provides a designing, supplying and mounting of boiler plants with capacity of 100 kW to 100 MW for various purposes both as a part of new power facilities and as independent constructions. The full range of our service includes all stages equipment starting with providing technical design specification and thermal design to supplying the required equipment on a turn-key basis. We design steam, gas, diesel and dual-fuel boilers in container-type and block-modular implementation. In addition, the company is engaged in modernization and reconstruction of boiler plants applying innovative technologies.

004 enAll block-modular boiler plants are factory-assembled which ensures high reliability and minimizes the effort required for installation. Operational control provided for the boiler plants produced by PiterEnergoMash has a high degree of automation and it doesn't require constant involvement of personnel. The responsibilities of personnel are reduced to monitoring and verification. Fuel feeding, operating control of boilers, burners, pumps, maintaining stable parameters of pressure and temperature are performed automatically. Critical fuel pressure changes (increase or decrease, exceeding the specified allowable values) automatically suspend operating of a boiler plant which minimizes the risk of accidents.

Moreover, the modern automation system provides an ability to manage and control remotely all operating parameters of the boiler plants. In the case of an emergency a warning signal is transmitted to the control panel immediately.

003The most significant advantages of the block-modular boiler plants are the following:
  • Economic efficiency. Reduced cost of construction and mounting, an option of adjusting the boiler plant operating modes in accordance with the real needs of the facility which eventually leads to sufficiently low cost of 1 kW of produced thermal power.
  • Mobility. Block boiler plants are easy to transport and, if required, can be easily dismantled and transported to another location.
  • Fast and easy mounting. Full automation, allowing not just to control the boiler plant remotely, but also to minimize the human factor, therefore, virtually eliminate the possibility of accidents.