

Energy solutions

Product catalog


Automated dispatch control system of power facilities


The automated dispatch control system of power facilities is a geographically-distributed multi-level measuring and information centralized system of real-time operating. It is designed for monitoring and control of technological processes and equipment of electric power facilities, supplying industrial enterprises, and of town mains. The system provides an option of electric power technical record-keeping.


Functions of the system
  • determination of the current status of switching elements;
  • measuring of current values of process parameters (current, voltage, active and reactive power, etc.);
  • measurement of integral value of process parameters;
  • activation and deactivation of controlled site;
  • control of operational circuit voltage;
  • collecting the information of digital sensing devices;
  • collecting the information of microprocessor type protective relay devices;
  • collecting the information of smart meters of electric power;
  • relaying the information provided by other sources and systems;
  • data reduction conducted in controllers for scaling, filtering, suppressing noise and distortion of measurement signal;
  • detection of changes in monitored parameters (sudden changes in measured parameters, activation of switching elements, etc) and alerting a dispatch operator;
  • providing information on the measured parameters in tabular and graphical form, forming and printing reports;
  • logging of current and emergency events occurring both at a controlled facility and at a control center;
  • archiving of all events and measurements, database maintenance;
  • performance of communication channels monitoring;
  • technical and fiscal accounting of electric power.