

Energy solutions

Product catalog


Strategy of the company's activity

Strategy of the company's activity

PiterEnergoMash produces packaged standard and non-standard shipping containers and various generating and substation power engineering equipment.

strategiya 2 engThe volume of company's share of Russian market differs depending on a product type, but it has been growing steadily, forcing foreign companies with less competitive product prices, production time and correspondence to Russian regulations out of Russian market, in particular:
  • The share of Russian market in production and delivery of 110 kV and 35 kV mobile and modular electric substations amounts over 80%. Four of the five products supplied to the market are manufactured in Russia. The company beats such big-name competitors as ABB and Siemens.
  • Today PiterEnergoMash is the only Russian company producing and supplying diesel-rotary uninterruptible power systems with the voltage output of 10 kV. PiterEnergoMash and Dutch company Hitec Power Protection, the global leader and the pioneer in technology of diesel-rotary uninterruptible power systems, have signed an exclusive agreement concerning packaging of equipment intended for the markets of Russia, CIS countries, Arab countries and Africa. There are an organized service center operating in Northwest Russia and facilities implemented by PiterEnergoMash on the bases of PiterEnergoMash production capacity.
  • In the areas of production and supplying of diesel-generator and gas-reciprocating packaged thermal power plants company obtained about 10% of Russian market. The share continues to grow due to applying of the modern compact solution in packaging of generating equipment.

In terms of production capabilities PiterEnergoMash is in the top ten European manufacturers and in top three Russian manufacturers of packaged power engineering equipment.

strategiya 3 engPiterEnergoMash aimes at expanding the product portfolio and increasing flexibility of an existing product line to meet the needs customers. Presently the company is designing some new products:
  • Сontainer-type modular system for melting ice on lines;
  • Сontainer-type diesel-rotary uninterruptible power systems with single capacity of 0.5 MW and 1 MW based on Russian diesel engine (the launch of production is scheduled for 2016);
  • Modular mobile electrical substations of 110 and 35 kV with 5AN configuration and ten double-circuit outgoing lines.